Progressive Leather Ltd Enhances Sludge Management with HUBER Q280 Inclined Sludge Press
Progressive Leather Ltd were established in 2003 and designed and commissioned a new fellmongery in Whakatu, near Hastings on the East Coast of New Zealand.
Since then, Progressive Leathers has grown to become one of New Zealand’s leading fellmongeries specialising in ovine skin processing and servicing North and South Island meat companies. Their main products are pickled pelts, wool and wool-on skins which are exported around the world.

Progressive Leather had a wastewater treatment plant to process a stream of high strength waste from a chrome precipitation plant. The sludge produced was wet and in high volumes, which was costly and time consuming to manage.
Traditionally a chamber filter press is used for this sludge. With a wealth of experience in sludge management Hydroflux Industrial proposed a HUBER Q280 Inclined Sludge Press. Progressive Leather installed the unit themselves with some basic direction from Hydroflux as these systems are operator friendly and simple to incorporate into a sludge management system.

The Q280 easily kept up with the sludge volumes produced despite further increases in production and has been producing a dry spadable cake for easy off-site disposal.