Woodman Point WWTP – The Largest Aerostrip® Installation in Australia
In 2019 the largest wastewater treatment plant in WA, the Woodman Point Wastewater Treatment Plant was upgraded to treat 180 million litres a day of wastewater, allowing it to accommodate a population of more 900,000 people who live in south of the Swan River.

Woodman Point Wastewater Treatment Plant is owned and operated by Water Corporation. The upgrade was carried out by W2W Alliance that consists of Thiess, Black & Veatch, Sinclair Knight Merz and the Water Corporation.
In general, aeration is the largest energy-consuming process in most WWTP. It may consume 45−75% of total energy used for the municipal wastewater treatment process, while the cost of consumed power may constitute 15 to 50% of WWTP operating and maintenance budgets. Clearly, it is important to select an efficient diffuser technology to reduce operating cost and reduce carbon footprints.
Hydroflux Epco was proudly selected to supply of almost 4000 AEROSTRIP® fine bubble diffusers for stage 1 and 2 of this project. One of the key selection criteria is the selected diffuser can provide significant saving in overall product life-cycle costs and achieve targeted process requirement.

The Technology
Central to our offer is the AEROSTRIP® Fine Bubble Diffuser technology that generates a tiny 1mm bubble which provides maximum energy efficiency, low air demand and higher oxygen yield. Typically, the efficiency of AEROSTRIP Ultra Fine Bubble Diffuser is 20 – 25% high than circular or disc type diffusers.
AEROSTRIP® uses a proprietary polyurethane blend that has superior properties to EDPM and Silicon. The blend has been developed over years of research and development and has demonstrated a life of at least 12 years. This was also confirmed by the trials run by authorities and independent institutions. Dr. Stenstrom from University of California presented the scientific paper “My Diffuser goes Eleven (Actually Twelve)” at the WEFTEC Conference (Chicago, IL) in 2013.