Options Products
Stamford Baffles
Hydroflux Epco can provide Stamford baffles below the launder system. These baffles eliminate density current flows that can disturb sedimentation...
Scum Removal
Scum collection and removal from clarifiers water surface can be effectively facilitated via a radial surface scum scraper with a...
Solids Contact Clarifiers
Hydroflux Epco offer Solids Contact Clarifiers for applications where the incoming solids load is low, or the chemical flocc is...
The LaunderShield® launder covers eliminate problems associated with excess algal growth in clarifier launders. The LaunderShield® system is a series of interlocking fibreglass or...
EdiGate® is specifically designed to eliminate the need for mechanical mixing in the flocculation zone of clarifier feed wells. Available in...
The CleanSweep® roller brush combats the Algae problem in clarifier launders head on. The CleanSweep® approach divides the launder trough in to five zones...